Monday, January 18, 2010


Well today was supposed to be a day of service.  I chose not to go anywhere as writing this book is a service.

Since I seem to like to do research rather than write, I did some more research.  I looked up Dr Quentin Deming, Dr. Marie Daly first research partner.  I found out that at 90 he is still living!  At least he was in October when he signed the physician petition to Obama about health care. He lives in New Hampshire. I will try to call him and ask if I can do a taped interview about his work with Dr. Daly. I will see what he remembers.

I also e-mailed Dr. Lane again about the ACS taking up Dr. Daly. I e-mailed Dr. Malcolm about the video tape again giving her a copy of her seconding nomination of Dr. Daly for the Garvan medal. She mentioned the video in that nomination. Janet Bryant the new ACS women chemist committee chair said they would help with the search.

Next, I will write about Josephine Silane Yates. She is the first African American woman to head a science department.


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