Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Writing day 2!

Well today was my doctor's appointment.  I got out early and home by three, in time to write.  I am reading a book of science history to give me some idea as to how to write.  The author included some conversation of the person. 
Therefor I reviewed the video that I have of Dr. Marie Daly again.  There are some segments of that conversation that I may be able to use.
I also started to do some more research into her life at Rockerfeller Institute.  I found the archives but there is a lot of stuff.  I think I will consult with the archivist as to whether it is worth a trip to Tarrytown NY to look at the archives. 
I probably have enough information about Dr Daly to write about her.
I have not heard from the people I e-mailed yesterday.  I will give them one more day, tomorrow and then bug them again.

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