Wednesday, January 6, 2010


OK. Today was Wednesday.  If all went well I should have had the afternoon to write.  You guessed it all did not go well.  It started at 3 AM when I woke up to my dog vomiting on my cap.  She liked it up but vomited again later that morning.  I took her for a walk and then went to the gym.  My day was supposed to be a doctor's appointment after the gym and then an appointment for Shakie my dog at 1 followed by writing.
My dog did not want to eat this morning so I called the vet because she had diabeatis and needs to eat before I give her insulin.  Since she did not eat, the vet said give her a half dose of insulin.
I went to my doctor's appointment and when I came back my dog did not look good.  She was just lying and she would not get up.  I called the vet and told them I was bringing her in.  I called a friend to get someone to lift her into the car since she was not going to walk on her own.
The vet did blood tests and gave her fluids.  They think she has pancreatitis.  They sent me home with special dog food.  I have to try to get her to ear tomorrow.
So that was my day of not writing.

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